Find the best Coin Laundry near you on Yelp - see all Coin Laundry open now. Explore other popular Local Services near you from over million businesses with over 1million reviews and opinions from Yelpers. Welcome to Clean Rite Center, the laundry service superstore with over stores strategically located in the NY Metro Area, as well as Ohio, Baltimore, MD and Allentown, PA.

All of our laundromats feature a set of amenities that makes Clean Rite Center a rarity in the industry. Find a store near you for more details. Findalaundry is operated by the Coin Laundry Association and is intended to help you find a laundromat.
Search the map and find a laundromat near you! Stores listed in the laundry locator are all members of the Coin Laundry Association and are located in the United States. If you have been searching all over the web for the “nearest coin laundry to me ”, “ open coin laundry near my location”, “ coin laundry nearest to me ”, “ coin laundry close to my location open now ” etc.

All around the city there are collection points of laundry. The process could take from hours to a week or more, prices are outrageous (it could be the half of the price of a new thing). As for laundromats , american self-service laundries, there was one in Soviet times, but it doesn`t exist now.