Monday, September 11, 2017

Binge in a sentence

What does binge mean? A binge is defined as a time-limited (usually under two hours ) episode of compulsive eating in which the individual consumes a significantly larger amount of food than most people would eat in similar circumstances. Examples of binge in a sentence, how to use it.

If I continue to binge on junk food I will become obese. Adam’s drug binge ruined his marriage and his health.

Our college is cracking down on binge drinking, disallowing alcohol on campus. I lock my pantry to help me overcome binge eating. Binge in a sentence 1. They went on a binge last night. He went on a five day drinking binge. I had a shopping binge with my credit card.

He turned east, northeast, east-by-north, like a compass on a binge.

A MUM of two armed with a nine-inch carving knife walked the streets like a zombie after going on a drugs binge, a court heard. I would binge and vomit or just not eat at all. Fueling up can decrease errors, increase productivity, improve your mood and prevent binge eating later on. Risk factors for binge eating women with binge-eating disorder. For young people, social drinking may not stop at one or two drinks and is likely to include binge drinking.

Suffice to say that these were all the constituents we needed for a night of raucous binge drinking and eye-popping vocal histrionics. The lonely woman stays up all night and will binge watch episodes of the interesting series to pass the time. My sister is coming over to binge watch Netflix shows and eat popcorn for the rest of the night.

Find A Treatment Center Near You. BMC has been on an acquisition binge the last few years. Drinking, doping and binge eating probably can be ruled out. There, Wechsler says, binge drinking is far less frequent.

And nowadays it seems binge drinking is a sign of youth. Random good picture Not show. Entry of 2) a : a drunken revel : spree. To binge is to excessively indulge in an activity.

Today, we also say ‘binge watching’ a lot which means to watch a string of TV Show episodes continuously. The definition of a binge is a short period of time when you indulge in a particular behavior to the point of excess. A two-day period spent drinking a lot of alcohol is an example of a drinking binge. Use binge watching in a sentence 1. Indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess. More example sentences.

Traditionally, episodes of a television series are broadcast live once per week. Leaks founder on several occasions. Only one term could describe the phenomenon: binge watching.

Sometimes I miss a few episodes and have to go back and binge watch. However, not all kids are using their summer months to binge on media. Back to Earth: Jerry Brown, the Voice of New-Age Populism, Gets Down to Business.

When he said payday they both came back binge , and when he said man they answered woman! I mean, I had told Jeeves that this binge would be fraught with interest, and it was fraught with interest. The consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. Ministers have rejected proposals - supported by supermarkets - to introduce a minimum price for alcohol to stop binge drinking.

There have been quite a few documentaries recently on binge drinking.

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