Monday, April 30, 2018

Top 10 human trafficking countries

Algeria is the largest country in Africa, and because of its location, it’s a hotbed for human trafficking. It’s a North African country and is the gateway to Europe for migrants from Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, and Nigeria. It’s common for people to voluntarily enter Algeria so they can take a boat to Europe.

Being in a foreign country with no money means that these people are sometimes left with no choice but to work as sex workers, laborers, domestic servants, or they are forced to beg until they collect enough money to pay traffickers to get them to Europe. Another possibility is that they are brought into Algeria by traffickers, and then owe a debt that needs to be paid before they can continue on to Europe. The problem is that it’s very hard to get out of debt because they don’t make a legal wage, while interest on the debt always m.

See full list on toptenz. When it di the rates of human trafficking tripled. Among the people who are trafficked out of the country, percent are adults, percent are young girls, and percent are young boys. Often, they are lured into trafficking by the promise of high paying jobs. Instea they are sent to countries in the Caribbean, where they are forced into the sex trade or domestic servitude.

The main reason that Venezuela is constantly on the bottom of the list when it comes to worst countries for human trafficking is because they do very little to combat it. They have strict laws surrounding it, but it’s rare if anyone is prosecuted under the laws. Unless the government cracks dow.

When South Sudan secede they were debt free and it was a middle income country because they exported oil. Sudan is a little better off, but it’s still the 52nd poorest country. Both countries also have a horrible problem with human trafficking. A big market in both countries is child slaves. Belarus is a country in Eastern Europe that is landlocked between Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia.

It is different than many of the other countries on this list, because in a lot of countries, human trafficking is usually controlled by organized crime syndicates. There are several ways the Belarus government can enslave people. However, in Belarus, it is state-sponsored. If you’re unemploye there is a good chance you can’t pay the fee, so this leads to community service, meaning unemployed people are forced to work for the government without being paid. Another presidential decree ordered that workers in the wood processing industry would be given bonuses every month.

If they don’t repay the bonuses, the courts can force them to continue to work in the industry while. North Korea has one of the most unique human trafficking situations in the world. One reason is that it is almost exclusively a source country for people to be trafficked out of. That’s because of how terrible the conditions are in the country, which includes forced labor campsthat house 80to 120people – many of whom have not been charged with a crime.

This means that North Koreans fleeing the country can be highly susceptible to human traffickers. This apparently makes the Kim Jong-Un regime anywhere from $1million to $2. By surface area, Russia is the biggest country in the worl and is home to 1million people.

It is also the only Gcountry that is a Tier country when it comes to human trafficking.

Also, women and children are forced into prostitution. How it usually works in Russia is that wages are withhel or come extremely late. This makes the migrants incur a debt that is impossible to get out of. Employers will also take away migrant workers’ passports, so they can’t leave. One reason that human trafficking in Russia is such a problem is because of corruption within the Russian government.

There are allegations that Russian officials facilitate the entry of migrants into the country for exploitation, and other o. Something that helps human trafficking flourish is instability in a country, which makes Syria one of the worst places for human trafficking. Of course, the source of their instability is the most devastating war of the 21st century, so far. This led to protests, and to quash the protests, President Bashar al-Assad’s government ordered hundreds of protesters to be killed and imprisoned. This led to defections in the army, and the defectors organized rebellion forces to bring down the Assad government.

The war, which is still ongoing, displaced half of Syria’s population, which is million people. Four million were able to flee the country, but 7. People fleeing from dangers, like a civil war, create ideal conditions for human trafficking because trafficke. As we mentioned in the opening, based on the DOJ’s TIP report, the worst offenders of human trafficking are considered Tier 3. The first of those countries is Yemen, which is an Arab country found at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.

For the past five decades, there have been several civil wars in Yemen. Added to the mix is that ISIL and A. The second special case is Libya, which is found in northern Africa between Algeria and Egypt. It’s the second biggest industryin Libya, just behind oil.

This includes ISIL and Al-Qaeda, and has led to an explosion of human trafficking. Many people are detained on their way from Africa to Europe and held for ransom. During detainment, people are held in overcrowded centers where they’re torture arbitrarily murdere and sexually assaulted.

The conditions are so horrendous that before women head to Liby. If you were hoping that “special cases” were just temporary designations for a country because something horrible and unforeseeable happened that would dramatically increase the amount of human trafficking, like a natural disaster, war, or genocide, and the label would go away once that issue was dealt with… well, the African country of Somalia should demystify any notions of that. Somalia is at the tip of the Horn of Africa and is one of the poorest countries in the world. After that, the country fell into anarchy. Different areas of the country were controlled by warlords who ruled over clans.

Since then, there have been attempts at peace, but the war is still ongoing years later. The practice of using forced labor is also common in the country. A large number of immigrant and local women are often exploited for sex while men are forced to work in oil mines. Eritrea is a major source of human trafficking.

The victims are subjected to forced labor. Thousands of Eritreans who have fled their country in search of better living conditions and economic opportunities have fallen prey to human traffickers. Most people are, however, made to serve indefinitely under unfavorable conditions such as torture. Iranian citizens are vulnerable to trafficking both within and outside the country.

Reports have surfaced about a rise in the number of young Iranians as sex workers in the UAE. Passports of these victims are often confiscated leaving them completely helpless in a foreign country. Many Iranian women living along the Iran-Turkey border are also vulnerable to cross-border sex trafficking. North Korea is a source country for victims who are subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Within the country, forced labor is part of political repression and one of the pillars of the economic system.

The citizens are subjected to forced labor through assigned work. Approximately 120people are held in camps in the country. Government oppression has forced thousands to flee the country, making them vulnerable to trafficking.

CAR is both a source and transit country for persons, especially children, subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Most victims of human trafficking in the Central African Republic are citizens exploited within the country. Other victims are transported to neighboring countries such as Nigeria, DRC, Cha and Cameroon.

The political instability and displacement of over one million people have increased the vulnerability of children, men, and women to trafficking. The majority of the people subjected to slavery practices in Mauritania are children and adults from the Afro-Mauritanian and Black Moor communities. Mauritanian girls and women who are recruited by foreign agencies as domestic workers are often subjected to sex trafficking in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia.

Some are forced into marriages by travel agencies and brokers both in the country and in the Middle East. Human trafficking in Syria continues to deteriorate due to the ongoing civil war in the country. More than half of the Syrian population has been displaced and thousands killed since the beginning of the protest. Syrians who are in refugee camps are extremely vulnerable to trafficking, especially children who have been forced to early marriage and forced labor.

Algeria act as a transit route for people subjected to trafficking. It is also, to a lesser extent, a destination for the trafficked persons. Most often, men and women enter Algeriavoluntarily and with the help of smugglers with the hope of traveling to Europe. At least 10people in Algeria are at risk of trafficking. Trafficked persons from Guinea-Bissauare subjected to prostitution and forced labor.

The country is both a source and destination for West African boys who are subjected to forced labor. Most of the boys in Guinea-Bissau attend Quranic schools. Some of the marabouts who teach these boys force them to beg around the school and in the neighborhood.

Most traffickers are men from the regions of Gabu and Bafata. Over million migrants in Russia are working in conditions of slavery in factories and as public drivers. These workers are vulnerable to sex trafficking and forced labor. The entry of migrants into the country is facilitated by the Russian officials.

Other officials are even bribed not to investigate or give a false report on human trafficking crimes. As a destination, source, and transit country for victims of trafficking, Russia has not done much to protect human trafficking. More than half the people trafficked out of Venezuela are adults, are young girls, and boys are. Venezuela has done very little to punish or prevent trafficking despite having strict laws against it.

Kuwaitis a destination country for trafficked persons who are mainly subjected to forced labor. Men and women who migrate to Kuwait voluntarily from other parts of the world such as Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia to look for employment are often vulnerable to sexual abuse and forced labor. Libya is a destination and transit country for trafficked persons, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa. It is also a source country for Libyan children subjected to an armed militia within the country. These armed militias recruit and use children as young as below years old.

The children are also exposed to sexual violence. The human trafficking crimes in the country are promoted by the political instability and lack of government oversight. Yemenis a source country for children and adults subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Yemeni boys have been subjected to forced labor after migrating to Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Here, they are forced into sex trafficking and drug smuggling activities. Women and young girls living in Zimbabwean towns close to the borders are subjected to sex trafficking. The men are also subjected to forced labor in domestic service and agriculture, especially in rural areas. Children and relatives from rural areas are recruited by their family members living in the cities and subjected to domestic servitude.

Many Zimbabweans migrate to South Africa with the help of taxi drivers in search of a better life. Unfortunately, many are later subjected to forced l. But, one must know as modern and planned the Chinese cities are, equally poor and unplanned are the villages. The urban-rural gap is tremendously huge. China is a source, a transit and a destination for human trafficking. Ghana is a country situated in the North West region of the African sub-continent.

Because of it’s population, the labour in China is cheap. It is not a poor country but it is not a very rich country either. Ghana has a lot of mines, especially gold mines. These children are forced to work as labourers in these mines. They are not even pai sometimes.

The girl child is forced into prostitution. Apart from that, these children are forced into fishing, beggi. Uganda is not unknown to miserable life conditions. People in Uganda are subjected to violence on a daily basis due to the conflicts between the state and the rebels.

So, they traffic children and force them to join the military forces. Children, aged 1 have to vigil these camps with guns heavier than them and sometimes ever kill other people. Girls are forced into sexual slavery by men and. The most booming type of human trafficking taking place is the trafficking of women from Nepal to India.

Almost 0to ,0Nepali women and girls are trafficked just to India every year. It is considered to be the busiest route of human trafficking in the world. Nepali girls are favoured in India because of their light skin colour. But even within Sri Lanka, children are trafficked around to be used in the military forces. Humans are trafficked in and outside Sri Lanka, mainly for the purposes of domestic help, prostitution and labour.

Sri Lanka is a country that had been in turmoil over the Government- LTTE conflicts since a long time. The LTTE sometimes forcibly recruited these children to be used in the war against the government. Girls and women are trafficked into Sri Lanka to be exploited sexually. Children are trafficked for working into factories that manufacture dangerous stuff like gunpowder and firecrackers.

Sometimes, rackets are run by traffickers. Pakistan, like India, faces a lot of problems due to human trafficking. The biggest problem in human trafficking that Pakistan faces is that of bonded labour. People are trafficked into the country and are sent out. Bonded labour can be for domestic help or for working in industries, factories or in the mines etc.

This takes place especially in the Sindh and Punjab regions of Pakistan. Prostitution is also a major reason for human trafficking. Haiti is a small country in South America. Although Pakistan is a very religious, orthodox c. It is a very poor country which mostly runs on tourism.

Tourists influx from America and Europe is very high in Haiti. Haiti faces the biggest problem of human trafficking in form of slavery and prostitution. But what makes Haiti worse from other countries in this matter is that these prostitutes are young girls aged 12. These girls are forced to have sex with these foreigner tourists who crave for young virgins.

Brazil, like India and China forms a part of the BRICS nation. They’re given $for it and sometimes. It is a developing country but the gap between the urban and the rural and also between the rich and the poor is very large.

Women and trafficked extensively as prostitutes because the tourists that come to Brazil wish for them. Men are trafficked as forced labour for doing the gruesome manual labour at a very cheap rate. Bangladesh is the most infamous country when it comes to human trafficking. It is a major hub for trasit routes all across the world. It is a source, transit and destination for human trafficking.

Men, women and children are all forced into doing things. Forced prostitution, forced labour, forced organ donations, selling of organs, even selling ova eggs. A lot of Bangladeshi people are trafficked to India and China and from there, they are further moved to other countries. India is one of the countries in the world where human trafficking is the most rampant.

Remember the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”? Environmental issues i. Equal human rights i. The ten countries with the most people in modern slavery (victims of human trafficking ). Countries Engaged in Sex- Trafficking. According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin.

By trying to get out of the continent to a better place, these people face a high risk of human trafficking. Large, profitable networks of human traffickers often go on uninterrupted because of the disunity between African countries. In the text below, the top facts about human trafficking in Africa are presented. The FBI says that it is th. Parmanand Jagwa, the Hawks Gauteng coordinator of the illegal migration desk, and deputy director Rasigie Bhika said that human trafficking was a “growing activity” in the region.

About Proverbs By Efua Proverbs By Efua makes work clothes for a cause – ending Human Trafficking. On July annually, the world denotes the World Day against Trafficking in Persons to help bring issues to the light of this issue. Pakistan ( million victims), Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Thailand. In Europe, the Netherlands tops the human trafficking countries list based on the number of victims registered.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here is the first city on our list, which got the 10th place now.

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