Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Expel in a sentence

What does the name expel mean? How to expel the scoundrel? Expel sentence examples. She forced her lips to expel it. Attempts were made to expel him, but without success.

An unsuccessful attempt was also made to expel him from the Union League Club of New York. After an hour-long attempt to expel his wired energy, he returned to. The heart muscles contract to expel the blood.

They threatened to expel him from his adoptive country. When you breathe out, you expel air from your lungs. Even Massachusetts felt compelled to expel many free blacks.

Expel in a sentence

The government is trying to expel all foreign. The two drugs are the RU-4itself which kills the baby and a prostaglandin which induces contractions to expel the now dead baby. Harding wants to expel the ghost of Theory so that other, more performance-friendly theories of the avant-gardes might thrive. He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority , which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much. Determined movements to expel the Grdznth faltere trembled with indecision.

When Susan was sick with bronchitis, the doctor told her to cough up the mucus and immediately expel it. We normally expel the Ancient Ones. Who was asked to help hubbard expelthe thetan. A State may not expelits own nationals. But why expelWidgren, other than for educational reasons?

Expel in a sentence

No release till we expelthe shah. A vote to expel or censure Winn would require a two-thirds majority. The Kurds back then eagerly followed the order to expel and kill, he says. He wanted to expel the Jews, Netanyahu said at the World Zionist Congress.

Tsipras was now prepared to expel those rebels, Greek media reported Sunday. A full-grown oak tree expelsabout seven tons of water through its leaves each day. He has been suspended from school a number of times and is at risk of being expelled. Force (someone) to leave a place.

Expel in a sentence

Tom has been expelled. More example sentences ‘As with. If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly. Example sentences with the word expelled. My brother was expelled from school for bad behavior.

The principle was going to expel the students who had a lack of discipline. The volcano continued to expel lava after the eruption had stopped. From Hasdai ibn Shaprut in the 10th century and Samuel the nagid in the 11th the line of Jewish scholar-statesmen. His laugh was little more than an expulsion of air. This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant.

Expel in a sentence

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Deprive (someone) of membership of or involvement in a school or other organization. Please show me example sentences with expel. He got expel led because he set a trash can on fire.

The villagers tried to expel the witch from their country.

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