Friday, December 14, 2018

Causes of human trafficking and possible solutions

Human trafficking is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. After an earthquake, people of good will race in to mitigate the effects of the disaster, but they cannot stop the earthquake itself. What are some solutions to human trafficking?

Can human trafficking stop an earthquake? Is human trafficking a global issue? Those that are desperate there by get lured and deceived by traffickers because they want to get out of the country by all means.

They identify a void and offer to fill it. See full list on blog. A trafficker, familiar with this scenario, might offer her a job that enables her to feed her children. If this appears to be her only option, she may accept and be willing to do whatever the trafficker asks of her.

The position may initially sound promising, but once the individual arrives at the destination, it is often much different than what was described. To keep them from leaving, traffickers may confiscate their victims passports or IDs. They might also pay for transportation, shelter, clothing, or food so their victims are indebted to them and feel obligated to work. In some societies, its widely accepted to devalue and abuse women and children.

This outlook is ingrained into the minds of men and women in certain cultures, which creates a huge opportunity for traffickers.

A parent may be willing to sell a daughter and send her into a world of exploitation. Some girls and women may leave home willingly if theyve been raised to believe they are unequal to men or have few opportunities for work and advancement in their own communities. In traditional cultures where arranged marriages are common, girls are sometimes forced into child marriage, which can also be identified as a form of human trafficking. Here are some common ways human trafficking affects victims and perpetrators.

As you read through this section, keep in mind that many traffickers also experience trauma because of what they see and do to others, and many traffickers have been victimized themselves at some point in their lives. Department of State explains, Because traffickers dehumanize and objectify their victims, victims innate sense of power, visibility, and dignity often become obscured. Victims of human trafficking can experience devastating psychological effects during and after their trafficking experience.

Victims of forced labor may work in dangerous conditions for long hours doing repetitive tasks. They may also be exposed to dangerous contaminants or work with heavy equipment. As a result, many are subjected to serious infections, respiratory problems, injuries, impairments, and exhaustion.

Individuals who are being trafficked can quickly become isolated from friends, family, and other social circles. This may be due to their personal feelings of guilt and shame or because theyve relocated and now live far away from their community. Either way, victims can become isolate withdrawn, and lose contact with most people. Many victims also experience physical injuries. Those who have been sexually exploited are often abused by their traffickers and customers.

They may be rape beaten, and subjected to abuse over a long period of time. The more traffickers participate in the exploitation of others, the more money they make for themselves. They may promise a safe working environment and fair pay.

In reality, employees are often forced to work long, hard hours for little or no pay. By using threats or violence, employers can convince their employees to continue working for them and to keep quiet. Once victims age out of their current positions, they may be offered a job as a trafficker.

Traffickers use deception to attract employees to work for them. Some accept the new position to escape their own victimization. They then begin exploiting others. The effects of this injustice are far reaching, impacting all individuals involve their communities, and generations that follow. While the causes and effects are varied and multifacete sustainable change can happen if survivors are rescued and their perpetrators are arrested.

The more dangerous human trafficking becomes for traffickers, the less likely they will continue exploiting others. No action is too small. Its full of information from some of the most reputable sources available on the topic of human trafficking and will better equip you to recognize signs and help those around you who are in need. This article is useful to curious learners, students, researchers, and policymakers.

Reaping approximately $1billion and victimizing close to million people, human trafficking is the fastest-growing illicit industry in the world. We are committed to human trafficking solutions focusing on prevention, using an “all of the above” approach at the grassroots level. We address this need by bringing awareness and providing support. People in vulnerable and precarious situations are looking for a way out and in their desperation can fall prey to human traffickers.

Human Trafficking : million people are slaves today and have the right to be free. We see these in multiple different circumstances. They seem to be more or less similar throughout the. High demand for humans who can be used for cheap labor or sexual exploitation is one of the biggest causes of human trafficking. However, human trafficking is tragically still prominent, and remains a modern source of misery.

It generates profits of nearly $1billion annually. Learn the indicators of human trafficking on the TIP Office’s website or by taking a training.

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