Accessing your income statement or payment summary. You will receive either an income statement via myGov or a payment summary from your employer depending on how your employer reports your income , tax and super information. On this How you receive your income statement. How to access your income statement. For most people, their payment summary information will now be available at the end of the financial year in their ATO online services account through myGov and will be called an ‘income statement’.
Your year-to-date pay and super information is also available to you throughout the year in your ATO online services account. It’s important to wait until your employer finalises your income statement to make it ‘tax ready’ before you or your agent lodge your tax return. After July we’ll send a message to your myGov Inbox when your income statement is tax ready so you or your registered tax agent can then lodge your tax return.
Other information is usually pre-filled in your tax return by mid-August, such as information from health funds, banks, government agencies and more. If you or your agent lodges your tax return and your income statement is not tax ready, your employer. See full list on ato. Your employer will continue to give you a payment summary if they are not yet reporting your tax and super information to us each pay day.
If you have more than one job, your other employers may still need to provide you with a payment summary. Ask your employer if you’re not sure and make sure all your income is included when lodging your tax return. Your agent will still be able to see your income statement or payment summary information as well as receive a report with all of your information pre-filled in your income tax return. Your Income Statement is accessed via myGov.
Your end-of-year Income Statement is published directly through myGov. Can I receive a payment summary from MyGov? What is MyGov income statement? Is a myGov account compulsory?

How do I set up my myGov account? Wondering, where’s my PAYG ? The PAYG summary will soon be a thing of the past. At Etax, those details will appear automatically.
It’s one less thing to worry about at tax time. Summary about your PAYG. Let’s make this really simple. If your employer reports through Single Touch Payroll (STP ) you may not receive a payment summary from them. Instea your payment summary information will be available in ATO online services through myGov.

Your Centrelink payment summary is now pre-filled in the ATOs myTax system and also available through a registered tax agent. The income statement is a new name for your payment summary (which some people call a group certificate). It is easy to set up a myGov account. Go to myGov, select Create an account at the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions.
Help make myGov better We are working on making it easier to find information on government payments and services. Please give us feedback on the new myGov website. A simple and secure way to access government online services. Stay up to date on Coronavirus. The payment summary should show each payee how much you paid them in the financial year , and how much you withheld from the payments.
This will be prepared and ready for employees by July if your employer has or more employees, or by July if your employer has or fewer employees. MyGov Income Statement is the new term for employees’ payment summaries. If you get your Centrelink letters online, we’ll send it to your myGov Inbox. If you’re not registered for online letters, we’ll post it to you. If you use myTax, any change to your payment summary for the previous financial year will update your pre-filled information.
We only send your information to the ATO for the last financial year. We’ll send a notification to your myGov inbox when your income statement is ‘tax ready’ so you or your tax agent can complete your tax return. Hey All my employees are complaining their PAYG summaries are showing as not ready in my gov. I am getting no response directly from the ATO (have logged a forum post) I had no. If you only get these payments you won’t get a payment summary from us.

If you lodge your tax return through the ATO’s myTax system, your payment summary information may be pre-filled. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may pre-fill your payment summary details in the myTax system. If it isn’t pre-fille you can add it. Your payment summary shows your taxable and tax-related payments.
You need this to lodge a tax return. This includes: your Centrelink payments. Remote area allowance amounts, if you get it. Find Out How Long To Get Your Refund.
Speed It Up, Get Your Refund Now Categories: Tax.
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