Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Nomination form for association election

Nomination form for association election

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Nomination form for association election

Background information of that person also needed to complete the process that includes the educational background and work experience. See full list on apa. Preferential nomination ballot. The candidate or candidates receiving the higher total weighted score are nominated. Ballots are distributed to the first unique cho.

Whenever Council members receive a ballot listing candidates for offices or committees, a relevant biographical sketch of each nominee shall be included with the ballot. Whenever Council members are to vote for a nominee on an approve or disapprove basis, the ballot shall include a statement by the nominating board giving reasons for the nomination. Election ballot: Biographical sketch.

The use of APA mailing labels to reach the electorate in support of any candidate(s) for office in any APA or divisional election is prohibited. APA will not supply labels for campaign activities for use in intra-organizational elections. Filling Vacancies 110-5.

No officer, director, or Council representative shall be prevented from participating in the activities of the body to which he or she was elected without due process, as provided by our parliamentary rules. Challenges of elections. Any questions relative to elections must be raised not later than the time of the election report by the Board of Directors to Council. Any question, once raise may be deferred for subsequent determination by Council, and the person whose election has been questioned shall not take office until final approval has been voted by Council. Unless otherwise specifie of all elections are effective when Council accepts the report of election.

A tabular breakdown for both nominations and elections for Board of Directors, APA President-elect, and other contests, where possible, shall be sent on request to any member eligible to vote in the particular election. The report shall include: (a) the total number of votes cast, (b) the total number of candidates, and (c) the winning candidates and the votes each received. In addition to receiving this information, all other candidates shall also be informed of the number of votes they received. It is the intent of these guidelines to keep the amount of campaigning and electioneering for the office of President-elect within reasonable limits and to assist in the maintenance of a spirit of collegiality and essential fairness in such elections.

These guidelines shall apply to the nomination and election process for the office of APA President-elect. Eligibility, Published Statements, Campaign Restrictions 1. Members of the Board of Directors are eligible to stand for and accept nominations for the APA Presidency. Individuals serving in the APA Presidency cycle shall not hold offices within the Association other than the ex officio positions that accompany that office. A person elected to the APA Presidency shall, during the term of P. Candidates are nominated by Fellows, Members, and Associate members with voting privileges.

Nomination form for association election

The APA President elect shall be elected by Fellows, Members, and those Associate members who have been granted voting privileges. Nomination ballots are sent on or about February 1. The election ballot shall be preferential and shall list five candidates. Final election ballots shall be sent on or about September 15. Each candidate is invited to submit a statement, to be sent with the election ballot, of no more than 0words, stating his or her opinion of issues facing psychology and of the role APA should play regarding these issues. The balloting period shall close within days.

The slate is determined by the Board of Directors. Only APA members are eligible for nomination. The Board of Directors shall appoint a search committee to identify candidates for the position of chief staff officer.

After the search committee has identified a list of preferred candidates for the position, the committee shall forward the list of candidates to the Board of Directors. After the Board of Directors has completed its deliberations on the candidates and has selected the nominee for the position, the Board shall forward the nomination to the Council of Representatives for a confirmation vote. Confirmation requires a two-thirds affirmative vote of those voting. Those eligible to vote will be members of the current Council of Representatives.

Voters shall indicate on the ballot whether they approve or disapprove of the nominee. And we don’t share or use voter data — your elections stay private for both you and your voters. This simple nomination form provides voters to nominate someone for a specific post and give details regarding the nominee including their basis of nomination and the qualification of the candidate. The information will be used to obtain nominees for election to the County FSA Committee. Please find enclosed the nomination form for the same.

Nomination form for association election

Post – President Elect Posts – Vice President Post – Hon. Secretary General Post – Hon.

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