Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Reasons for commercialisation

The successful commercialization of innovations in positive publicity and also generates awareness of the research, inventions and the entrepreneurial culture of the University. These successes and publicity can help to retain and attract both faculty and students, as well as additional research and commercial partners. How is commercialization perceived?

Reasons for commercialisation

Why is commercialization important? What are some examples of commercialization? How does commercialization affect academia and industry? The advantage of commercializing this.

Commercialization of the of scientific research is an old problem. Engineering is the most difficult stage of this. Privatization has several benefits such as reduced government bureaucracy, reduced state monopolies and financial structures, increased competitiveness, increase in quality of goods and services reduce corruption and control by government, increase staff quality and supervision, improve market analysis, free up government funds for more pressing problems, create employment, re-invigorate the.

Government participation in business enterprises in most colonial African and the predominance of state-owned enterprises reflected a desire to control the economy after wrestling political control from the colonialists. Nigeria found that, in the absence of local enterprises and viable indigenous private sector, the government had to move into the large empty space left by society to take over the building economy. The term often connotes especially entry into the mass market (as opposed to entry into earlier niche markets ), but it also includes a move from the laboratory into (even limited) commerce. But the reason that lean innovation has taken. Hitherto free activity, when commercialize becomes a source of income for some.

However, the transformation of a scientific idea into a product for industrial use (see Fig. 1) very often is interrupted during the first three stages of commercialization. On the other han privatization refers to limiting or annulling government control or interference in an activity and allowing private control to benefit.

Buying commercial real estate today is much more rewarding compared with the low yields on other long-term investments. Multifamily is a stable option. While the outlook for commercial real estate has been positive, there is still the possibility of a recession in the near term, notes NERI. This could pose a threat to sectors like office space, since companies may have to downsize, but multifamily properties will remain stable.

Lean commercialization applies the lean startup methodology to the commercialization process, with the primary goals of eliminating waste and minimizing resource expenditures on technology development, manufacturing, and marketing of new products and services. COMMERCIALIZATION : The licensee company continues the advancement of the technology and makes other business investments to develop the product or service. This step may entail further development, regulatory approvals, sales and marketing, support, training, and other activities. In the event that Licensee can demonstrate that Licensee, as a result of circumstances in one or more markets in the Original Territory, including competition, is not making a reasonable profit and that Licensee, in its reasonable opinion, has no prospects of making a reasonable profit during the remainder of the Term, the Parties shall meet and renegotiate the key commercial terms of this Agreement. Should the Parties not be able to reach agreement on such new terms within six (6) weeks.

Problems associated with privatization, commercialization and deregulation Poverty : Poverty is a problem Nigeria is faced with. The measures tend to favour the rich who have the money to buy shares in the business and the inflation caused makes the poor to become poorer and the rich becomes richer, It is not advantageous to the poor. For a variety of reasons , companies often struggle with the commercialization of new products (and services).

It has become clear in recent years that not only can these two priorities coexist, but when done right, they are mutually reinforcing, creating a healthier long. Further, whether they say their companies are good or poor at commercialization , respondents highlight two of the same reasons for their performance, and both relate to organization: the relationship between RD and marketing and the process for translating an idea into a prototype. The study is organized as follows.

Reasons for commercialisation

With this in min there are many reasons to consider making such an investment. It’s a chance to build equity, make your expenses more predictable and possibly gain tax advantages. A passion in the kitchen is the first sign – and often one of the most important reasons – you should consider pursuing a career in commercial cookery. Start your career with Academia today – enrol in our commercial cookery courses. If your item falls under U. Department of Commerce jurisdiction and is not listed on the CCL, it is designated as EAR99.

EARitems generally consist of low-technology consumer goods and do not require a license in many situations. LITERATURE REVIEW The place and importance of SMEs in national economies is an indisputable reality. An experienced commercial real estate broker can do the legwork and locate good potential properties in much less time. Phase I grantees to prepare NSF’s required commercialization plan for Phase II submissions. In addition, the NSF’s SBIR program has encouraged commercialization at.

Reasons for commercialisation

The first reason has to do with the desire of the national petit-bourgeoisie which inherited political power from the colonial masters to create an economic base for its political power. Reason for Nationalization of Commercial Banks. Control of huge resources. Attention to priority sector.

Development of backward areas. Uniform banking policy. Mobilization of savings and prevention of money lenders. Encouraging banking habits and creating banking habitat.

Reasons for commercialisation

The paper gives some insight to the virtues and defects of privatization to the Nigerian economy and finally some useful recommendation were made. The commercial invoice is the primary document used for importation control, valuation, and duty determination. This document identifies the products being shipped.

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