Ready-made diversified options. Choose one of our ready-made diversified investment options that contain a varying mix of asset classes and come with varying levels of risk. Each investment option has a different performance objective , risk profile , asset allocation and investment style which may also change from time to time. Each of these features may be significant in respect of the investment return for any option.
What is an investment report? Our investment reports provide a regular update on the economy and the market, along with the management and performance of our investment options. For the Growth option, the fund will increase its holding in international shares and alternative strategies, while reducing its holding of private capital and diversified strategies.
Investment fees are the fees charged to you for managing each investment option. How to choose your investment options. Investment switching.

Sunsuper sets investment fees to match expected costs. There are a number of ways to monitor the progress of your investments , and adjust your portfolio if you need to. Your investment managers. We’re responsible for investing and managing the retirement savings of all UniSuper members.
This Former TV Star Doesn’t Have a Single Losing trade. Savings Plans Can Be Overwhelming. Learn About Our Financial Advisor Services. Yieldstreet is an income-focused ecosystem that provides access to alternative investment s. Invest in asset classes traditionally dominated by hedge funds and the ultra-wealthy.
Forgot your password? Over $1B in Investments Funded. Open A New Revenue Stream. It is suitable for investors who are seeking to accumulate wealth over the long term and who want to ensure that their investments are made in line with an extended set of environmental, social and governance principles. See the Returns for Each.
Pre-Mixed or Diversified Managed Fund Investment Options : Funds commonly have pre-mixed managed funds such as Conservative, Balance and Growth options. These commonly blend different asset classes into one managed fund. For example, a pre-mixed investment may have some cash, some bonds, some property and some shares. This strategy is an ideal set-and-forget investment option as it adjusts in line with. Lifecycle investment strategy.

SunSuper discloses a list of all shareholdings in the Socially Conscious Balanced option, without investment amounts. We calculate around of the this option’s Australian share investments is in companies actively undermining the climate goals of the Paris Agreement: APA and Seven Group Holdings. The SunSuper options are not ETFs, but Vanguard Managed Funds… These are essentially the same underlying investments but different structures. Since we’re ETF Watch, not Managed Fund Watch, we only included those that allow direct ETF investing.
This is a high-risk investment option that aims to deliver high returns. Sector options mainly invest in a mix of investments within a particular asset class. You can select options from either or both of our investment menus.

You can choose the option that best meets your financial goals and risk tolerance. If you do not choose a preference your money will be invested in Equip’s default MySuper option. Searching for Financial Security?
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