Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thank you letter to a friend for always being there

There are many ways you can get this letter to your friend. However, the most special way is to address an envelope, stick the letter inside, and put a stamp on it. This might be just the thing she needs to brighten her day. Thank you for fighting all of life’s battles by my side.

The more time I spent with you I realized what a wonderful person you are! I thank you for everything you have done for me.

There is no one with whom I can share my tears and fears, if you were not here. Thanks for being by my side and always giving me reasons. Crazy, wacky, silly but always there for me, love you , my friend and thank you for being there with me always.

Being friends with you makes me want to celebrate every day as Friendship Day. Sometimes I feel that you are my guardian angel. Without you , I might still be nobody! It was quite frustrating at first, but then, I saw a new me.

I knew I could go places with your motivation and that is what I’m going to do. People who say that there are no Sorrys or Thank Yous in friendship, are wrong.

I don’t know if I owe you a sorry but I definitely know that I owe you a big thank you for being my friend. The best part of having a friend like you , is that I always have happy days to look forward to. How do you write a thank you message? How to write a meaningful letter to a friend? Few people have the privilege of having such a supportive and giving friend.

I am beyond lucky to have you in my life. I am so grateful that you are in my life. Being who you are, you are always putting other people before yourself.

Because there ’s surely a million reasons I would want to thank you for. And I appreciate it a lot. I never want to fail to acknowledge or thank you for your support. I know that you can’t always be there , as you should take care of yourself first. Whenever I am down, I can think of you and it seems to work.

I appreciate your beautiful act and you have been a helpful and a lovely human being always ! Stephanie Precourt “Mom, thank you for always modeling the utmost strength, determination, and work ethic. Steph Gold “A Mother holds her children’s hands for a while…their hearts forever. Not only are you my colleague, but you are my mentor and friend.

Your guidance and encouragement helped me to reach where I stand today.

Working with you is a delight. Now, before you make a ridiculous joke and mock me for writing this, let me just stop you right there. Dear friend , thank you always , for staying and being by my side.

May we never be apart. I wouldn’t have asked or wished for a better friend. Thank God for bringing us. You ’re a God-sent friend. I just wanted to thank you for always being there for me.

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