Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dutch nationality certificate

Applying for a Dutch nationality certificate if you live in. How do you get a Dutch nationality certificate? Can I hold another Dutch nationality besides Dutch?

Can Dutch citizens have dual nationality? Step 3: Apply for a certificate.

If you move abroa intend to get marrie or want to be eligible for certain jobs (some civil service posts, for instance), you may need to prove you are a Dutch national. If you live abroa you can apply for a Dutch nationality certificate (bewijs van Nederlanderschap) at the Dutch embassy or a Dutch consulate in the country where you live. If you live in the Netherlands, you can apply at the Population Affairs Department (Afdeling Burgerzaken) of your municipality.

To be eligible for a Dutch nationality certificate , you must: 1. See full list on government. The period of validity of Dutch nationality certificates is not laid down in law. The organisation that asks to see the certificate can itself decide its period of validity.

If you have Dutch nationality , you should apply for a Dutch passport or identity card to the municipal authority where you are registered. You will need to bring a colour photo and your old documents with you. Make sure the photo meets the criteria for accepting passport photos in Dutch travel documents. All children (even babies) need their own passport or identity card to travel. You have to pay a fee for your passport or identity card.

Your fingerprints will not be recorded if you apply for an identity card. After issue, the fingerprints will only be stored in your passport. The travel document contains an image of the holder’s fingerprints in order to prevent identity theft (i.e. using false or stolen identity documents to impersonate someone else). Passports and identity cards are valid for years in the case of adults and years in the case of children under 18.

Non-Dutch nationals who have a Dutch residence permit and who are unable to obtain a passport from their country of origin sometimes qualify for an alien’s passport. You can apply for an alien’s passport to the municipal authority where you are registered. If you have refugee status, you can apply for a refugee passport to the municipal authority where you are registered. You can use your alien’s or refugee passport to travel to all countries except your home country. Both can be used in the Netherlands as proof of identity.

Residence permits are issued to aliens permitted to live in the Netherlands under the Aliens Act or Community law. Leave to remain (W-document) cards are issued to aliens who have applied for asylum in the Netherlands but have not yet received a final decision on their application.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) issues residence permits and leave to remain cards. If you are a Dutch national living in Australia, you can apply for a Dutch nationality certificate. The documents you need depend on your personal situation.

You can use a Dutch nationality certificate to prove that you are a Dutch national. You can then request your municipality to provide a Certificate of having Dutch Citizenship. Only once you have become a Dutch citizen, you can then request for a Dutch passport or identity document from the municipality or Dutch representation.

When you apply for naturalisation or option, you only apply for the Dutch nationality. Dutch citizenship granted If your application is successful then the IND will send confirmation of your citizenship. You will also receive an invitation from your gemeente to attend a compulsory citizenship ceremony where you will receive your Dutch nationality certificate ( bewijs van Nederlanderschap ). And have lived uninterruptedly in the Kingdom of the Netherlands for at least years with a valid residence permit. You must meet the following conditions: 1. Your residence permit must be valid during the procedure. There are a number of exceptionsto the 5-year rule.

Immediately prior to the naturalisation application, you have a valid residence permit. This is a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit with a non-temporary purposeof stay. The residence permit is still valid at the time of the naturalisation ceremony. This means that you can rea write, speak and understand Dutch. You are sufficiently integrated.

You show this with the civic integration diploma. When applying for naturalisation, there can be no ongoing criminal proceedings against you in the Netherlands or abroad. In the years prior to naturalisation application up to the moment that the decision.

A valid passport or another travel document. What documents do you need? A valid residence permit or other proof of lawful residence. You do not need a residence permit. The municipality checks how long you live in the Netherlands in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP).

A birth certificate from your country of origin. Civic integration diploma or other proof of civic integration. Other documents may also be neede such as: 1. A marriage certificate or a certificate of registered partnership.

Proof that you have continuously lived together with a Dutch citizen for or more years. Foreign documents must often be legalised and translatedbefore they can be used in the Netherlands. An application can only be done by the parents or legal guardians. However, your child under can apply for Dutch citizenship together with you.

You request the naturalisation of your child in your own application for naturalisation. You will receive a notification stating if your child will also receive Dutch nationality. Did your parents file an application for naturalisation for you when you were still a minor?

But was this application rejected? Now you are or older, you can submit a new application yourself. Once a child reaches they must request naturalization. In order to obtain a Dutch passport you must be able to prove that you hold Dutch nationality. In certain cases, you could lose your Dutch nationality if you do not apply for a new passport or Dutch nationality certificate before the validity period of your current one runs out.

Thus citizenship is conferred primarily by birth to a Dutch parent, irrespective of place of birth. A Proof of Dutch Citizenship certificate is a declaration which proves you have Dutch nationality. You might need this certificate when applying for a position in public office (for example as a member of Dutch Senate or House of Representatives, or provincial councils), when having a legal document drawn up or during legal proceedings.

You can only apply to us for a certificate of Proof of Dutch Citizenship if you are resident in Eindhoven. This can be a copy of a Dutch identity card or passport, or a declaration of (former) Dutch nationality. A copy of the birth certificate of the married or registered partners. If everything is okay you will receive an approval letter and then an invite to attend the Citizenship ceremony which is where you will get your Citizenship certificate.

Where can you request a nationality certificate in your name? If your principal residence is in Belgium (with registration in the population register), the municipal services are authorised to issue a nationality certificate. The Netherlands is fully part of the European Union. This means that a citizen of the Netherlands is also a citizen of the EU, and can travel and reside freely in any of the member states of the EU. Dual citizenship is permitted but on a limited basis.

I plead for World Citizenship anyway. My parents are Dutch but I was born in Switzerland. Theoretically I was Dutch and Swiss – But I think the Dutch don’t allow double citizenship anymore, because my mother lost hers from the Netherlands (which made her as angry and disappointed as you are now).

Even though this change in the Dutch nationality law has been in effect for years, many people still don’t know about this.

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