Knowing the details of each type is important for all parties involved. The simplest is usually what’s known as a direct or straight bill , though this is usually only suited for standard interactions between shippers and sellers. Bearer bill of lading is a bill states that delivery shall be made to whosoever holds the bill.
However, the modes of transportation can be anything from freight boat to air. Merchants frequently use a direct bill of lading when the goods are only moved from the. In Negotiable BoL, the title or ownership of the shipment can be transferred from one party to another while in Non-negotiable BoL the ownership of the shipment is fixed to the consignee (final recipient) of the goods. This refers to a non-negotiable and non-transferable bill of lading and is assigned as an.
Bill of Lading types. It is a non-negotiable instrument. In the straight bill of lading , only the person whose name appears on the bill can claim the goods. No Installation Needed.
Straight bill of lading : In a straight BoL, the ownership of the consignment is specified to a particular party and. We will cover each one of them below. What is the difference between Freight Collect and Freight Pre-Paid? This bill of lading is a non-negotiable and is addressed directly to the buyer.